Guidance & extra support

At Summa College, the success of your study and career is central. Some students need extra support. If you have a disability, chronic illness or behavioural problem that hinders your learning process, you can make use of extra support.

We'll help every student the best we can

The following applies to everyone: learning is something you have to do yourself. We therefore can’t promise any miracles. What we do promise is that, within the limits of our possibilities, we will do everything we can to help you as best we can.

Special needs

It is important that you indicate from the beginning whether there are any established limitations that hinder you in the learning process. Also indicate the support you received at your previous school, e.g. through a report from your previous school or a research report. That way, we can offer the right support from day one.

We look at how your disability hinders your full participation in education and/or exams. Based on this, we determine what support you need to remove that obstacle. We translate this into an individual support plan, which we attach to your education agreement as an appendix. During your programme we will evaluate your support plan: does it work, does it help you sufficiently, are adjustments needed? Because extra support is not an end in itself, we only provide it when it is necessary. The help is always aimed at self-reliance; it helps you to do things yourself more often. And if things go well, we can choose to phase out the support or stop it entirely. Summa College offers three forms of additional support:

Adaptations in the learning environment of the school

Examples are:

  • Your place in the classroom or the possibility of a time-out moment
  • The use of additional tools and materials
  • A (temporary) customised timetable
  • Counselling in the acquisition of study skills
  • Coaching aimed at social interaction
  • Support in increasing your concentration

Adaptations in professional practice

Examples are:

  • Explain to the internship company about your support needs
  • Additional internship visits
  • Use of tools such as a checklist or working with a step-by-step plan
  • Guidance in increasing your work pace
  • An extra break
  • Support for the acquisition of professional competences

Adapted forms of assessment and examination

Examples are: 

  • One exam per day
  • An incentive-free space
  • An adjusted take-up of an exam

Dyslexia or dyscalculia

If you have a dyslexia statement or it has been established that there are serious calculation problems (dyscalculia), you can, if necessary, use an adapted exam. Indicate this clearly during your introductory meeting or personal introductory meeting and bring any paperwork with you.


Top sport support

Are you into top sport (or do you have another talent) and are you training to become a professional? Then you can get guidance from us. For top athletes, your training is tailored to your training days and competitions. We aim to combine this with your school program. This way you can optimally combine your passion (sport/talent) and study. Our coordinators Evert and Guillermo guide and support you in this, in collaboration with your career coach.

If you are in need of top sport support, please contact Guillermo. He can tell you all the details and assess if you are eligible for support.

Guillermo Boogers (06 12 35 40 93)