Our schools

Summa International Business is located at Furkapas 1, 5624 MD Eindhoven (travel directions)
Summa International Engineering is located at Het Eeuwsel 2, 5612 AS Eindhoven (travel directions)
Summa International Fashion is located at Professor Doctor Dorgelolaan 2, 5611 BA, Eindhoven (travel directions)
Metal Factory is located at DYNAMO, Catharinaplein 21, 5611 DE Eindhoven (travel directions)

All schools can be reached at +31 (0) 40 269 40 00


Contact during the summer

During the summer holiday you can reach your school at:
Summa International Business
+31 (0) 40 269 48 20

Summa International Engineering
+31 (0) 40 269 52 15

Summa International Fashion
+31 (0) 40 269 48 20

Metal Factory
+31 (0) 40 269 48 20

Summa College consists of 26 schools for secondary vocational education: each one of them strong in their own field. A full list (in Dutch) of all our schools can be found here.

Get in touch

Need help with your study choice?

Our study choice coaches are here to help you with all your questions about our courses during office hours.


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